I have a devise called a "FiZZ Saver". Those of you who may not know what a Fizz Saver is, I'll explain: FIZZ SAVER 101: the Fizz Saver is a lid that screws onto a 2 litter soda bottle. It has a little pump on the end of it. You screw it on like a cap, then you pump air into the 2 litter soda bottle until it is tightly filled with air. It keeps the carbonation in your soda. you ask...what does the Fizz Saver have to do with anything?
Many of you know I am a CokeZero"aholic". So naturally I use my Fizz Saver to keep my addiction tasting great. Every glass of CokeZero I pour is Fizztastic. It's like opening a new can of Coke every time I use the Fizz Saver and it taste so refreshing.
Naturally, my Fizz Saver was on my CokeZero bottle in the fridge. The bottle laid on its side because the Fizz Saver makes it too tall to stand up right in the fridge.
Friday morning, 7:30 AM, Tage decides he wants a glass of milk. He opens the fridge and the Coke bottle is eye level. He then says, "Mom, can I have some Coke instead?" I then replied, "No Tage you can have milk." I glance over at Tage, as I was getting Daxton's cereal for him, and Tage is pumping THE FIZZ SAVER. I say to him, "Tage don't pump that cap or the bottle will explode." 5-4-3-2-1........BOOM!!!!!
You guessed it, Tage kept pumping! The Bottle exploded like a rocket EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE. I look over at Tage....he looked like a drenched shocked dog. He was covered from head to toe in Soda. Soda SHOT OUT all over Tage and all over my kitchen. My walls, my stove, my floor, my microwave, my pantry door, and EVERY inch of my fridge was COVERED IN COKE ZERO. Everything in the fridge was drenched in SODA. Every bottle, every piece of fruit, every, everything was soaking wet.
It was a nightmare....a funny nightmare remembered now, but it was a mess to say the least. I was so mad. Actually, I was furious. It took me an hour and half to clean up the disaster.
So needless to say, I now have s SHINNY clean fridge and Tage no longer will touch the FIZZ SAVER......
Here is some of the damage...(note: these pictures don't do this post justice.)