Hadlie had been complaining about her capped tooth hurting her for over a week. Every time she would complain to me about it, I would say,"you're fine Hadlie...be tough." She would show me where it hurt and I didn't see anything wrong... until this morning. She showed be her gum and it was very swollen and very red. It looked awful. I immediately called the dentist and took her in. Of course, it was an abscessed tooth. Her permanent tooth was trying to come down and her baby capped tooth was sticking in place causing her permanent tooth to shoot out the side of her gums. (Why would that be painful?)
The dentist said he'd have to remove it. In fact, it was so swollen he had to keep shooting Novocain up into her gums to get in numb. She was a mess. So out it came 30 Min's later. AND I FELT LIKE THE WORST MOTHER EVER for not listening to her complaints.