Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"The Fall Picn's"

What do they say? When a situation gives you lemons, make lemonaid? Last night for FHE the kids wanted to go pick the different color fall leaves; Sam and I told them we'd go tuesday night because they weren't done with their home work. So, as promised, we did just that...after Sam got home we headed up the canyon. The weather was turning sour but we decided to go anyway. We headed up Ogden Canyon and went through Trappers loop. The leaves were beautiful. However, we couldn't find a place to picnic and by the time we got near home we got caught in horrible traffic so we decided to picnic in the car. The kids enjoyed it even though we didn't get out and pick their fall leaves. Maybe this weekend we'll try again...
So here's to the car picnic....

1 comment:

The King Klan said...

Sounds fun...what a cute idea