Friday, March 5, 2010

Something Cute About You....Hadlie....March 5, 2010

Hadlie's primary love language is: Gift Giving! She shows and receives love by gifts. To explain the "Gift Giving" love language: It doesn’t have to be something big like a diamond ring. In fact, for the gift giver, small, surprise gifts have greater emotional value than big ticket items on set occasions. Little things, like a bunch of flowers from your garden, or an amusing item picked up in a charity shop become tokens of affection. -Gary Chapman

Last night as Sam and I went to bed we saw that Hadlie had made these cute boxes and put some of her stuff in them. She had given us both a box and set them on each of our night stands. It was really sweet and it showed us how much she loves us.

Sams box contained: eraser, pencil, candy, shell, and mini basket ball.

Mine contained: candy, sea shell, rock, little panda bear, and pencil.

Isn't she sweet?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How sweet! what a thoughtful little girl you have