Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spending Time with Granpa Jerry.....September 10, 18, & 222011

These are a few moments that we have spent with Grandpa, Jerry. The cancer is now in his spinal column, it has passed the blood brain barrier and is attacking everything. The cancer paralyzed Grandpa within four days. Everyday it continues to progress more and more.

Eli and Andrea have moved in with Bobbi to help take care of Jerry during the week. Tim, our brother in law, who is a nurse, is taking great care of him as well. On the weekends, Sam goes down to take care of him. It's been so nice to spend time with Grandpa and the family.

We really love spending time with him while we have him. The hardest thing for me to accept is how much Paizlie will miss her grandpa. SHE LOVES, LOVES, LOVES her grandpa.

All of us love him so much. I know he will watch over us but the honest truth is, it's going to be hard on all of us, especially Bobbi. Bobbi is so strong and I am just amazed at her strength. I don't envy her situation but I do admire her faith. She has put it into the Lord's hands and relies on him to help her through it. If anything, I hope my kids can learn from this, is the faith and strength their grandma has. She's always been a great example of how we should lean on the Lord at all times. She is a pillar for our family. I hope our family continues to grow closer together through this. It's a hard thing coming but we have each other and Heavenly Father to get us through it.

We love you Grandpa....

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