Wednesday, April 27, 2011

LaSt FieLd TRip....April 14, 2011

Today was Tage's LAST field trip with his pre-school. The pre-school met a Flint's Nursery and toured their facility. This school year the kids have had a lot of fun and seen some great things on their field trips. I can't believe the school year is coming to an end. Nor can I believe that T-Man is going to be in Kindergarten next year. They grow up so fast.


Jessica said...

I didn't realize that Tage and Arlo are the same age! I know I am in total shock that mine is going into Kindergarten next year too! How did it happen so fast. I LOVE your family pic you all look adorable

Troy, Brandy, and Boys said...

Tage's preschool always does the funnest field trips! That's so neat that you always go and help out too! You're such a good mom! Where does he go to preschool? We're trying to figure out which preschool we want Tre to go to. :)

jerbobster said...

Put a Yellow Sash on the girls dresses and they will be set for the wedding.....What a cute family! Lovw you