Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snuggle Bunny.....January 23, 2010

Paizlie loves to snuggle just about anything. We love it! She loves to hold her blankets or little stuff animals close to her face when she falls asleep. She also always tilts her head to the side as far as it can go, whether she is in her car seat or crib asleep. When she's in her crib she scootches her way into the very top corner of her crib, tilts her head to the side, and stuffs her little face into her bumper bad. It makes me nervous a lot. I am always checking to make sure she is breathing. But that's Princess P for you, our snuggle bunny!

Sweet Dreams P...

Ironically enough I was looking through my pictures and look who did the same thing when he was Paizlie's age, Yes, Tage! However, he would put his face under the bumper pad. Crazy kids!

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