Friday, May 27, 2011

Mother's Day!.....May 8,2011

This year I got spoiled for Mother's Day! I had a wonderful day. Sam and I went on a bike ride at 7 in the morning. Then he came home and cooked a breakfast for a queen. He cleaned and slaved all day long. I got to do just what I wanted. SLEEP! It was AWESOME. I took several naps. I snuggled down in my bed and slept most of the day away. I caught up on the sleep I was lacking. It felt good.

This year we stayed home for a change. Sam made dinner, we played games with the kids, and hung out. I didn't have to do a thing but go to church. Sam spoiled me. It was a perfect day.

The kids were so excited to give me their gifts. Hadlie made me the CUTEST pillow at Activity Days. It said MOM on it. Daxton painted a cover for a planter they made at school with a flower in it. Hadlie helped Tage make me a candy card. Their presents were so cute. I love my kids!

Sam always does a good job with the gift giving, too good sometimes. He got me a really cute outfit and jewelry, he and the kids picked out. Then he got me a Lifetime table I have been wanting. I was very spoiled.

Thank you Sam Dawg and kids. You made my Mother's Day wonderful. I love you all so very much! I am thankful I am your mom. You are the greatest treasures in my life and I wouldn't trade you for anything! I am very blest to have you all.

There is a cute story behind Daxton's gift. He snuck his gift home from school so I wouldn't see it ;) Later on that day he came to me in TEARS. I said, "What's wrong Dax?" He said, "Hadlie accidentally spilled water on my gift to you and it's ruined". I said, "It's OK bud, I'll love it anyways." Then, Hadlie took Dax down stairs and they locked themselves in her room for two hours while they made a new cover for his flower pot. I thought that was SO SWEET of Hadlie to help him and SO SWEET of Dax to be so upset.

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