Sunday, November 14, 2010

Like Father or Mother?.........November 7, 2010

My brother, Dave, was helping my mom clean out her storage room. He came across this picture of me when I was 16 months old. He told me, "Jen, I always thought Paizlie looked like Sam until I found this picture of you. I can see Paizlie in you!" When I saw it, I was amazed. She is 16 months old now and there is a resemblance of me at that age. So now the question really is does she look more like her father or mother?

What do you think?


Choi Chatter said...

oh wow! I have to say I have always thought she was a daddy clone but now looking at the pictures, my vote is she looks like her mamma! Either way, she's a doll!

April Annie said...

That's CRAZY! I've always thought she looks just like Sam but she looks exactly like you too. That's so cool!