Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy 2nd BiRtHdAy PrinceSs P.....June 10, 2010

HaPpY BiRtHdAy, It's Your Birthday Princess P!
2 Years old!
Dear Paizlie,

Your Dad and I can hardly believe that you are two years old. It just seems like yesterday we brought you home from a long visit at the hospital. You were my easiest delivery but my most scary baby. You were in the NICU at McKay Dee Hospital for a long 12 days. We brought you home on Tage's third birthday. It was a great birthday present for everyone.

We really can't believe how the time has flown by these last couple of years. We LOVE you so much. You were an answer to our prayers. You have changed the dynamic of our family. We all enjoy your sweet spirit and your charisma you have for life. We love how excited you get every time you see a puppy or baby. I think you have a million of each of them. We love to watch you grow and play. You make each of us laugh and smile everyday. Everyone loves to play and spend time with you, especially your older sister. You guys have a unique bond.

You also LOVE your two Grandpa's very much, Grandpa Owen and Grandpa Jerry. You tickle them every time they are with you. You want nothing more than to jump up on their laps and have them hold and play with you. We all love to watch you interact with them. You have a very special bond with them as well. It's touching! Everyday you make me pull open our family blog so you can see pictures of your two "bampa's". You will sit and the computer and show everyone your "bampa's". You're so stinkin' cute.

We want you to stay little forever because your last baby, but we enjoy watching you grow, learn, and change everyday. Stay little as long as you can but enjoy life and keep making us smile. We love you so very much Princess P.


Mom and Dad
Paizlie's Birthday Party, June 12, 2010...
Paizlie eating her cake with Conley...
Our friends, the Choi's, Sharp's, Robles, Larsen's, and Morley's all came to help us celebrate P's birthday.
Ava, Ellie, and Conley swinging...
P opening her presents...
Paiz eating her "nummy"!
We hope you had a great day. We love you so much! Happy, happy birthday Paizlie!
P.s- Thanks Grandma Bobbi and family for helping her have a great birthday while I was at youth conference. I am sure she had a ball. We love you so much!

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